Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is pretty much copying 2 of Danielle's posts, so here goes:

I'm a Alice! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

You are intelligent, outgoing & stylish. A true girly girl, you love shopping & makeovers.
Although you are a generous friend, you can be coy, tricky & very persuasive in order to
get your way. You are known to zone out occasionally during conversations, but your
friends forgive you because you are understanding, supportive & know how to throw one
heck of a party!

8 Things tag...

8 Shows I love to watch...
1. Heroes
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. The Hills
4. The Office
5. Gossip Girl
6. Who Wants to be a Millionaire
7. Family Guy
8. The Simpsons

8 Favorite Restaurants...
1. Olive Garden
2. Sushimoto
3. Red Robin
4. Sezchaun Express (only the one in Sparks)
5. El Paisano
6. Pizza Hut
7. Applebee's
8. Mimi's Cafe

8 Things That Happened Yesterday...
1. Drove 3 hours
2. Raked Leaves
3. Put up Christmas lights
4. Ate a ton of mandarins
5. Watched a Who Wants to be a Millionaire marathon
6. Bought 4 movies for $2 each
7. Read Breaking Dawn
8. Watched Cheaper by the Dozen

8 Things I Look Forward To...
1. Falling in love
2. Moving
3. Graduating
4. Marriage
5. Finding out who I am
6. Payday
7. Running a Half Marathon
8. The second book of The Hunger Games series

8 Things I Love About Fall...
1. Leaves
2. Egg Nog
3. Toasty Fireplaces
4. Holidays!
5. The fact that I get to experience Spring really soon
6. ...
7. ...
8. ...

8 Things On My Wish List
1. Lose weight
2. Run a 1/2 marathon
3. A Man
4. A new and better vehicle
5. See The world
6. See the Northern Lights
7. iPod touch
8. Feel loved

Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's been a minute

Profound thought of the day
: If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

Sup, Hola, Guten Abend! All of that means hello! So I see I haven't updated in a while, I actually forgot I had a blog. Well lets see what to write about. I went to New York last month (August). It was absolutely amazing! We were complete tourists. I met a really cute Dominican, rode on the subway, met lots of celebrity's (well their wax models anyway), and lounged in Central Park.

Me with my childhood hero Balto!

Girl Power!

Kickin' it on the stoop

First subway ride

Time Square!

Also school started. this is my first real semester at UNR. Yay. Ok yeah so I 'm kinda boring so I'm going to stop.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Only 10 More Days!!!

Word of the day; Sarcasm: the body’s natural response to stupid.

Wise Womanly Words:
When the world hands you lemons, make grape juice, then sit back and let everyone wonder how you did it

Friends are like potatoes, if you eat them they’ll die.

To err is human, to arr is pirate


Yay! Only 10 more days until Breaking Dawn comes out. I don't know if I'll be able to make it those 10 days, but I will sure try. I decided to post the new trailer for Twilight so everybody could see it, and I can watch it whenever I want. The movie comes out 12/12/2008

Looks amazing right?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Awkard...Party of 2!

I just finished reading my ever so cleaver roommates blog, she seems to be incredibly witty, intelligent, and interesting. She makes my blog very drab and boring....oh well on with the boringness (is that a real word?). Today was a rather interesting day. Have you ever liked somebody, but then actually got to know them, only to discover they were way better before they ever opened their mouths? Well that seems to happen to me pretty often! Today I went somewhere (name of place withheld) with a certain someone (name withheld for privacy)....we'll call him...Xavier. We went shopping for some items that will be used at a party, where he didn't seem to want to take any of my ideas into account, when I did suggest something he'd just look at me and then move one. Every idea that he had was completely lame and would never work. At least when he said an idea I would put in some constructive criticism (but I guess we all can't be as great as I am). After shopping, I thought he was just going to drop me off at my house. But instead he got out of the car and started following me up the driveway. So I was like, okay he's going to come inside, but then he stopped abruptly and just stood there. Not saying anything. He finally asked about the party (very awkwardly), so I responded and was about to continue walking, but he wasn't moving. So I stopped, he talked about some weird thing, I'm not sure because I was already thinking about what I'd do once I got inside and away from him. I responded politely and again started to walk up, and I again was stopped by his awkwardness. Again he just stood there, mumbling incoherently, filling the silence with lots of so" and "yeah" we probably stood there for about five minutes doing and saying nothing. I was so thankful when my roommate came out and saved me. I finally had an excuse to go. Weird!

Anyway I thought I'd post some pics of my wonderful and great roommates!

that would be me, Anika, and Alecia

Me, Melisa, Stacy, Melina, Shelby, and Anika

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hi, this is an intro to me. I used to blog a looooooong time ago back when I was obsessed with web design here are a few of my old things

I actually still have a website up Carmel Delight. Anyway, I'm currently 23 and living in Reno, NV. I'm LDS and I love to run, DANCE, laugh, etc. I currently live with Danielle, Anika, Alecia, and Laura.