Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is what I do to waste time

Fill in the Blank Survey.

001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you? 26
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?

Fill in the Blanks
004. Summer is _______ the greatest season ever
005. School is for ____________ learning
006. Friends are like ___________ peeing in your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth it brings
007. Dogs are for ___________ companionship
008. Braces are __________ metal things that go on your teeth
009. All boys are ___________ smelly!
010. All girls are _____________ bratty!
011. American Idol is ___________ a lot better with J. Lo and Steven Tyler
012. Spongebob is the ___________ bizomb!
013. I cant believe I ________________ am going to graduate soon
014. I like wearing __________ clothes
015. Beer is _________ disgusting
016. I'm as fat as a __________ pole
017. I have too many __________ worries
018. I like eating ____________ sushi!
019. Sex is _____________ also known as gender
020. Myspace is a place to _______________ uhhh...don't you mean Facebook?
021. Surveys are __________ a good way to waste time
022. Skinny Dipping is __________ the nude
023. Gays are ____________ happy people
024. Family is not as important as _________ ????
025. Before I go to sleep I _____________ close my eyes
026. I was really embarrassed when __________ i got embarrassed
027. Bush is ____________ not president anymore
028. boys have big __________ egos
029. I hate __________ hating things
030. Crying is for ______ emotional people
031. Marriage is ______ always having someone by your side
032. Swimming is _______ one of the greatest physical activities ever!
033. I would do anything for _______ a Klondike bar
034. I wake up at ___________ 7:00am
035. I fear ___________ heights, dead things larger than a mouse, debt, the unknown
036. I bought a ___________ bag of chips and milk for breakfast this morning
037. I drink ___________ milk...a lot!
038. Mondays are _______________ eh
039. This ____________________________________ is an old survey.

P.S as you've probably guessed from my lack of posts, I never actually did the P90X thing past day 1, but I have kept active with plenty of other things. I have discovered how much I LOVE swimming.